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Your donation is more than just a contribution; it's an investment in yourself and The Odis Ella Foundation.
Thank you for becoming a key investor in our mission.

Explore our five pathways, integrating energy, mental health, banking, and legacy programs. Our curriculum emphasizes etiquette, mentorship, community development, social events, and membership-based activities. Each pathway offers five lessons with practical applications for economic and social development.

We offer a comprehensive network of instructors and professionals to guide and support you once you've completed your investment portfolio.  This helps us understand and track your goals and progress effectively.



Let's Create

Here's how it works

Sustainable Energy and Community Development

Each Program is crafted to educate communities to actively apply sound financial strategies as well as nurture and create resources such as community pharmacies, physicians, community road and housing maintenance, local clean renewable energy, recreational activities and infrastructures etc. 


All donations and 50% of program registration fee will be used to provide resources to underserved and unserved areas, spread awareness and raise more funds. 


We raise funds through interactive events and innovative engaging fundraising campaigns . 


Controlling how money is used and continuously circulated within a community, along with investing it properly, can have significant short and long-term benefits for individual communities. By taking every donation and investing it into community structures such as gardens, water supply, renewable energy, and financial planning, communities can save and produce millions of dollars by repurposing that money into profitable solutions.

  • Short-Term Benefits:

    • Immediate Impact: Investments in community structures can lead to immediate benefits, such as improved access to fresh produce from community gardens or better water supply systems.

    • Job Creation: Investing in local projects creates job opportunities, boosting the local economy and reducing unemployment rates.

    • Community Engagement: Projects like community gardens and renewable energy initiatives can bring people together, fostering a sense of community pride and engagement.

  • Long-Term Benefits:

    • Sustainability: Investments in renewable energy and sustainable practices can lead to long-term cost savings and environmental benefits.

    • Financial Stability: Financial planning and investment in community resources can help communities become more financially stable, reducing the need for external assistance.

    • Resilience: By investing in infrastructure and resources that can withstand challenges like natural disasters or economic downturns, communities can become more resilient and able to recover more quickly.

  • Economic Growth:

    • Multiplier Effect: Money that is continuously circulated within the community creates a multiplier effect, where each dollar spent generates additional economic activity.

    • Attraction of Investment: Communities that invest in themselves and show financial stability are more attractive to external investors, leading to further economic growth.

  • Social Impact:

    • Health and Well-being: Access to fresh food from community gardens and clean water can improve health outcomes and overall well-being.

    • Education and Awareness: Investments in financial planning and renewable energy can educate community members and raise awareness about important issues, leading to positive behavioral changes.

In conclusion, controlling and investing money into community structures and resources can lead to significant short and long-term benefits, including economic growth, sustainability, and social impact. By repurposing donations and continuously circulating money within the community, communities can build a strong foundation for a prosperous future.


Program Pricing Breakdown

Mentorship Program

Fee: $75

- $37.50 covers materials for the course

- $37.50 will be invested on behalf of the participant

- At the end of the course, participants will receive their investment portfolio, progress reports, additional information, support team contact information, and networking materials. All participants will receive financial planning from a dedicated financial analyst.

Etiquette Program

Fee: $45

- $22.50 covers materials for the course

- $22.50 will be invested on behalf of the participant

- At the end of the course, participants will receive their investment portfolio, progress report, study and application materials, classmates' notes and observations, recreational guide, and a certificate.

Legacy Program

Fee: customizable for individuals, families, groups, organizations, schools, etc.

- The program includes financial planning, business/career strategy, customized financial literacy courses, investment management, project management, investment resources and fundraising access, branding, and business etiquette development, as well as 24-hour consultation and advisement. Everything needed for success and leaving a legacy.

Mental and Health Care Program

Fee: Free sign-up and consultation, customizable for individuals, families, groups, organizations, schools, etc.

- Public and private donation-based programs provide low and no-cost treatment and prevention. We continuously expand our medical database to include more professionals and information to best serve all health and mental health needs.

Energy Program

Fee: every dollar counts! Our goal is $250,000

- Our very first prototype will cost us $43,000

- Innovating this design will cost us just under $57,000

- Effectively implementing the first organic recycling and production of energy into communities and businesses will cost us $150,000

Stay Involved!

Stay informed about our latest initiatives, events, and opportunities to make a difference.

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